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Baja Trophy Truck

Baja Trophy Truck 1.0

Trophy Truck (Baja)


This little beast is a lot of fun. It's built extremely tough to withstand a Baja map that I'm working on. I didn't want it breaking halfway through a race and having to restart.

Its a little drifty, meaning it spins out sometimes if u land off or give it to much throttle in a turn. But once you get a feel for how to drive it, you can control it well.

Jumping can be controlled in the air with throttle and brakes. If the nose starts to drop, shift to 6th and give it full throttle until it levels out. And if the nose starts to lift up to high, just tap the brakes and it will lower the nose for a nice landing like u would on a dirt bike in the air. Again, it'll take some practice but once you get the hang of how to control it in the air you can land some really big jumps.

Has 6 headlights, so driving at night is fun. Enjoy

- Box5Diesel, 2008
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