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  1. V

    1965 Zastava 750 "Fica" - Fica 750 V2.2

    Tnx to Mike for fixing N/B's
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    1965 Zastava 750 "Fica"

    Vido updated 1965 Zastava 750 "Fica" with a new update entry: Fica 750 V2.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
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    RoR Development builds (For Windows and Linux!)

    I'm trying to compile like stated here but I'm getting following error $ cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . -- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.4.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.4.0 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check...
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    List of mods using legacy Cg shaders (risk analysis)

    You probably know it but when I was working on RoR bot animations textures of RoR bot are not shown without nVidia Cg toolkit
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    Making Community map playable

    Here is improved version of python script which import most stuff correctly but it also imports some with wired orientation import bpy import math import os coordinate_file = "/home/slobodan/.rigsofrods/Community-Map/CommunityMap.tobj" ogre_directory = "/home/slobodan/old-mesh-xml"...
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    Making Community map playable

    Hey folks, So like @only_a_ptr suggested in discord I'm opening this thread so we (I hope together) try to make community map playable on moderate machine's. To achieve this we will implement set_default_rendering_distance directive in the TOBJ file but first we need to merge all .meshe's and...
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    Beginner tutorial: Character (rorbot) mod from scratch, in Blender

    Only thing that's missing is material, I had struggle with it since my character date's to 2.6-ish blender, so if you want to use some texture on your your character you must use blender Princlipled BSDF
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    Beginner tutorial: Character (rorbot) mod from scratch, in Blender

    Before you do anything more export your character and try it in game. I think that you scale will be off and you should have your character facing +X not -Y
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    When we are at sound there is Engine Simulator available to make sounds of V8, strait 6 or in line 4 motors So for windows go to release page and download latest release For debian baset distros there is separate branch which is tweaked for linux so just do following sudo apt-get install git...
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    in game Editorizer/RoREditor

    I would like to have one feature from blender which is box select tool which will allow to easily adjust portion of N/B's like distance between front and back wheels
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    2022.04 Discussion thread

    I love it
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    No OgreXMLConverter for win ? No problem let's compile it!

    Hi all If you been using linux at any time you'd know what compilation is and how to solve any errors if any during compilation time, but if you did not use linux then chance's are that probably you never compile anything on windows because you don't needed to you just download .exe's and .dll's...
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    Hello and HELP (OgreXMLConverter)

    Im using latest blender 3 with latest blender2ogre and here is ogrexml converter you can download it from here
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    .mesh file Importer for Blender

    I asked earlier this year of this year for .mesh importer and guys at Ogre made one for 2.8x according to read me
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    Do we need Blender 2.9x .truck importer/exporter ? If so can we gather some amount of money and pay somebody to port it from 2.49

    No its up to "detacher_group" when I comment them out importer works just fine, which is strange
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    Do we need Blender 2.9x .truck importer/exporter ? If so can we gather some amount of money and pay somebody to port it from 2.49

    Yes we have .truck importer/exporter but they dont work for example on gavril
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    Do we need Blender 2.9x .truck importer/exporter ? If so can we gather some amount of money and pay somebody to port it from 2.49

    So I talked to @only_a_ptr on what is status of Blender addon for Blender 2.8/2.9x and he told me that it has low priority at moment. So could we gather ~100 €/$ and pay somebody to do it ? I would participate with 20€ ?
  18. V

    Blender N/B Import/Export Plugin

    I'm reporting that it does not import .truck N/B correctly. Here is RoR 2.49 and importer 0.6.7 and here is ulteq RoR Importer 0, 0, 1