Build problem with SocketW

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Yesterday I tried to build RoR on Linux. There were crashes and problems, so I decided to build from the most recent versions of OGRE, etc...

Overnight, the build procedure on the GitHub wiki apparently has changed, and now a conan + ninja type of build is proposed.

I tried this, but linking fails:
undefined reference to `SWBaseSocket::SWBaseError::get_error[abi:cxx11]()

Still, libSocketW.a is linked in:
... /home/earnest/.conan/data/SocketW/3.10.36/anotherfoxguy/stable/package/fe848316b8ad30bac4dc1e2d5945e4231fba5abd/lib/libSocketW.a ...

and seems to contain get_error:
nm -a /home/earnest/.conan/.../libSocketW.a
0000000000000000 t .text._ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
0000000000000090 T _ZN12SWBaseSocket11SWBaseError9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 W _ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 t .text._ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 W _ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
U ERR_get_error
U SSL_get_error
0000000000000000 t .text._ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
U _ZN12SWBaseSocket11SWBaseError9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 W _ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 t .text._ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv
0000000000000000 W _ZN12SWBaseSocket9get_errorEv

I'm puzzled. Can anyone help me out ?


Just tried building on Ubuntu 16.04, and I also have this issue.
For some reason, it doesn't occur on Travis

I will try and fix it ASAP
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If it helps, I built SocketW separately, and copied the resulting libSocketW.a into the conan package dir. That links. I'll have a look at the differences of the 2 ar files.

Just tried building on Ubuntu 16.04, and I also have this issue.
For some reason, it doesn't occur on Travis

I will try and fix it ASAP
Fix is confirmed. It now builds properly.

Thanks for helping !
(Still having OGRE issues, though. Caelum does not work at all and the entire terrain is textureless. Vehicles are mostly ok, but, e.g. not the ship in the default terrain.)

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