Need tutorial for steering

Hello, again. I've already fixed the car falling apart, and added a rudimentary suspension setup, now all I need is a way to steer the car. I already read the docs, and I think it's a little hard to understand, so I'd like if someone could attach an easy to follow tutorial for me.
Thanks in advance!
also, the wheels are exploding and the car frequently crashes the game, but I'll (hopefully) fix it later


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- hydros - beams that shorten and lenghten with steering input, you use them to actuate the wheels
- n/b - the axle (the beam with two nodes that you specify your wheel on) needs to be on a part of n/b that can rotate - a diamond is a good shape for this, attached to the rest of the body or suspension by its upper and lower nodes. This allows for rotation left/right.

You can figure it out, it becomes obvious once you do.

Look at submeshed vehicles (pricorde's stuff) with K/CTRL+K to see live examples in RoR, might give you some ideas
Thank you so much! The steering was the last part I needed to complete, and I finally did it! At first, I tried using the rocker beam for steering (that was actually how i interpreted the docs), which completely and utterly failed, but I looked at pricorde's vehicles, saw I actually needed multiple hydros in different locations, then what the docs told me actually made a lot of sense. I really cannot thank you enough.
Thank you so much! The steering was the last part I needed to complete, and I finally did it! At first, I tried using the rocker beam for steering (that was actually how i interpreted the docs), which completely and utterly failed, but I looked at pricorde's vehicles, saw I actually needed multiple hydros in different locations, then what the docs told me actually made a lot of sense. I really cannot thank you enough.
Nothing to thank me for, man, you figured it out on your own :) good job

Looking forward to seeing more on this!