What do the green and red flags mean next to the player names in multiplayer?

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I saw these when playing on multiplayer, searched the forums and google but the only thing that came up was a post on somebody's profile saying "if you see someone with my name but no green flag, it isn't me"

What do they mean?
so the only way you can get an green flag is when your profile is rank or what because I enter the my form user name and I put my user token but noting happened
ok so our form username is our profile name right like for example mine will be Redpower90nation because it have to be capitalized
Your profile name is redpower90nation. It must match exactly, it's case sensitive. (Redpower90nation, Redpower, etc won't work.)
for the default server password is that for the server
Because that one is not working right unless change my user name once again so I can have caps and lowercase letters I think that is the main reason why
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