Recent content by MySummerCarIdiot

  1. MySummerCarIdiot

    WIP Boeing 747-8

    well i think we wont get it soon
  2. MySummerCarIdiot

    Didn't get unbanned

    I got banned in Hideout for 2 weeks. After waiting these 2 weeks, i still didn't get unbanned. Is it an server issue, or that the mod/admin has to unban me? Maybe i just tried to enter it when i was still banned. Mod: Manieczek
  3. MySummerCarIdiot


  4. MySummerCarIdiot


  5. MySummerCarIdiot

    WIP - Beta Released Mazda 626 GF

    really good mod ;)
  6. MySummerCarIdiot

    2022.12 Discussion thread

    No bad thoughts for this moment, just need 2.44 protocol version
  7. MySummerCarIdiot

    As i expected, T H I S S E R V E R U S E S D I F F E R E N T P R O T O C O L V E...

    As i expected, T H I S S E R V E R U S E S D I F F E R E N T P R O T O C O L V E R S I O N