
  1. Uploaded from Archives

    Automated Wheel Stiffener 3/11/2016

    Used to create soft tires which do not expand at speed. Created by derbymutt. Generates a beam section that must be placed below the wheels section. Instructions: This tool requires Java, which you can get here. After installing, just extract the zip and double-click RoRWheelRigidifier_1.1.jar...
  2. AnotherFoxGuy

    OgreMeshy 1.11

    Note: Included with RoR version 2020.01+ OgreMeshy is a simple, powerful, easy to use mesh viewer for OGRE 3D mesh format. Features skeleton view, animation preview, detailed mesh information, dockable windows, and more This is a fork of the original version created by dark_sylinc This version...
  3. CuriousMike

    [Windows] Input Mapping Tool 0.3

    Tutorial: 2022 Update: - Updated icons and banner - Run.bat now uses the Documents\My Games folder - Added new key bindings from 2022.04+, and removed some obsolete bindings - Exporting a...