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  • You make some of the best and most detailed mods in ROR. I like them. Keep up your excellent work!
    Where are the small excavators used in your videos?
    Construction Guy
    Construction Guy
    Not realised yet!
    i think you shouold cheack once repository of Negativeice.
    Hi NegIce / NegativeIce,

    Thank you so much for your mods ! It's a lot of work and I'll enjoy them.
    I will add screenshots of my overloads soon...

    Regards !
    Construction Guy
    Construction Guy
    BAWHAHHWAHWHAH YOUR not the only one xD i like construction machines trucks and overloading xD just playing with that coronados and mercedes and komatsu of course :) How are you my friend?
    • Like
    Reactions: Levage
    Hi Trucker ! Just to beggin the match : 2 x 147 tons transformers on the flatbed of the 85-tons capacity trailer, hauled by the Komatsu !!! 294 tons lifted on the Mt Ror main hill road...
    --> Screenshots
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    Reactions: ce6256
    Construction Guy
    Construction Guy
    wow xD ITS fascinanting i loaded up only 100 tones on negs ice trailer of capacity 85 tons and hauled it with mercedes 8x4 i think to the top of mt shell i will try thoose new badbosys neg realeased xd sorry for that much xd
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    Reactions: Levage
    So you've done well with the modding
    I cant believe how fast you went from the first ever mods till now
    Your mods are very high quality
    mostly im digging your towing mods
    those look very nice and will be put to service when available

    good luck to you and if you need towing advise im here
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