• Rigs of Rods 2022.12 has been released! Get it here.
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Latest reviews

Mind blowing vegetation.
Amaizing views, simply beatiful.
Pretty good mod.
i love rocks this is the best mod ever
Looks much better than the default ones, but the latest dev build broke it. Would be nice if you made a .dashboard version.
Latest dev requires an update to all of them, and I've got updated versions, I'm just waiting until the dev build is no longer the dev build to update here :)
I can't get the hook to appear. What am I doing wrong?
This is one of my favorites! I love the jackknife door. However, the strobe doesn't work for me. It used to, but for some reason it stopped working. Otherwise, this mod is fantastic!
strobe control is M if you forgot
but if the flare's genuinely broken or something i'll definitely look into that