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Latest reviews

i love this map so much. this was actually what i needed bravo to the mod creater everything is perfect except a few spikes in roads also i would be more greatful if u would create a map like this but with asphalt i know there is dega mountain road but bigger and better love it amazing job
great mod overall, but the lock load to deck function on the rollback causes the truck to spazz out whenever you use it on weaker vehicles, like gabester's vehicles. this doesn't happen on stronger vehicles, like hardbody meshed cars. this also happens on the autocar xpeditor flatbed.
Excellent UI mod. Very detailed gauges, WITH the ability to toggle lights and reflections. Quite innovative, it's not something I've seen before in this game. Fantastic work.
Thanks, man, really appreciate the kind words!
This might be my favorite mod on the repo excluding the CLK and Pajero.
Props to stoat for creating this masterpiece of a mod.