Recent content by why_not_simracer

  1. why_not_simracer

    Post your current air quality

    very very very bad >150 idk how im still breathing
  2. why_not_simracer


  3. why_not_simracer

    What do you wanted say?

    What do you wanted say?
  4. why_not_simracer

    Dynamometer testing platform

    Does anybody have this mod? Unfortunately, I can't access the author's website.
  5. why_not_simracer

    Gear shifting

    stick shift allows u to directly shift to a certai gear, stick shift with ranges has direct gears and ranges(low1, low2, etc; high1)
  6. why_not_simracer

    what are ur pc specs?

    what are ur pc specs?
  7. why_not_simracer

    CTD when vehicle jumps at high speed (>50 km/h) in water

    Whenever I jump my vehicle into water at speed about higher than 50 km/h, game crashes. Is there any solution to it?
  8. why_not_simracer

    finding some military mods

    ok sorry for being dumb but i am new and dont know exactly rules of mp in ror
  9. why_not_simracer

    Excavator in mp

    Ok sorry for a dumb question, but I forgot to take a screen. Is it a way to find old logs?
  10. why_not_simracer

    Excavator in mp

    Do we have a mod that has file called ""? Bc I saw a player called excavator25 in Official NeoQ map and nothing happened to him.
  11. why_not_simracer

    finding some military mods

    can I use them in mp?
  12. why_not_simracer

    Looking for Titans dragway

    Title says everything. I wanted to join titans dragway mp server but I needed this map "Titans Dragway"