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  1. Stubby_racer

    Alexis Saber

    i agree. that car was great and also deserves some love (and a better texture, it's a bit uggo)
  2. Stubby_racer

    On Hold FMS bóbr 125

    3 wheeled supermacy
  3. Stubby_racer

    WIP 2016 Audi R8 V10 Plus

    this has to be one of the greatest mods of the year!
  4. Stubby_racer

    any suvs?

    also the gavril omega and the zeta and a whole bunch of others like a durango and a bronco and all sorts the bronco is in the pack with the ford f-series trucks
  5. Stubby_racer

    any suvs?

    there are jeeps on the repo you know. only ask for links if you have literally done everything to find one just type "jeep" into the search bar and voila. there you have it
  6. Stubby_racer

    Random Screens

    when you park in the wrong car park:
  7. Stubby_racer

    Released 1991 opel vectra v6 (submeshed)

    i know but i mean like will there ever be a tdi one. the one that sounds like it will rattle itself apart whilst idling
  8. Stubby_racer

    Released 1991 opel vectra v6 (submeshed)

    could you please add an vauxhall/opel TDI sound to it? that would be super funny
  9. Stubby_racer

    Stock E36 Colors

    232 now also just want to say well done
  10. Stubby_racer

    WIP 1st Gen IC RE (2003-2004)

    this looks like another mod made to become a classic. good work!
  11. Stubby_racer

    wat is?

    wat is?
  12. Stubby_racer

    1970-73 Pontiac Firebird Restomod/ProTouring

    wats the purpose? im curious
  13. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    i'll have a look at it and see what i can infer
  14. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    ok. thank you for helping
  15. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    it should be fine, any video of this thing says that the suspension is pretty hard anyways (i think) so it should be ok
  16. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    just to clarify, this is my very first mod, if i make any more when this is finished (eventually) they will probably be better and quicker to make
  17. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    the thing is is that the entire car is a cheese wedge, plus surely it will make it stronger with triangles, right? it may also not handle right and may handle more like a small bus, which won't be fun to drive. i want it to be more realistic with the gears working first. plus, could someone help...
  18. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    sorry if this made no sense
  19. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    i have no idea where to go when it comes to the .truck file, with no clear idea anymore of how to do anything to it and don't know who to follow anymore. i'm just really stuck with not knowing anything about editing files, and when trying to they normally fail anyways.
  20. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    the thing is, i have no idea what to do when i comes to the .truck file since i don't... I JUST DON'T BLOODY KNOW AT ALL