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  1. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    honestly i don't know what to do with it next. i don't know what to do with the coding part, as i'm really stupid and struggle to follow along to videos. hopefully it could have wheels before the end of the year
  2. Stubby_racer

    Random Game Videos/Screenshots

    what game is this? if it's roblox im impressed
  3. Stubby_racer

    FSO Polonez

    probably never. but hey ho
  4. Stubby_racer

    Random Screens

    where you get that defender on the back? it looks cool
  5. Stubby_racer

    Released Hot air balloon

    this should look amazing when done. loving the work
  6. Stubby_racer

    Released Hot air balloon

    does it take to the skys yet? i would love to see it flying as this is such a unique idea
  7. Stubby_racer

    Released Hot air balloon

    this is looking pretty promising and i hope it works out ok for you
  8. Stubby_racer

    Rate the photo above you - Rigs of Rods edition

    oops. did the wrong one 7/10 i want to know the full story...
  9. Stubby_racer

    Rate the photo above you - Rigs of Rods edition

    10/10, looks amazing with the lighting! i recreated the old peel p50 photo in the peel's home country
  10. Stubby_racer

    Repository Upload Requests

    2009. i was -1 year old lol
  11. Stubby_racer

    Rate the Picture Above You

    eh, 6/10. never would have realised it was so old lol this was a couple weeks ago, idk how it did not fall
  12. Stubby_racer

    Rate the Picture Above You

    looks cool eh, 6/10, import it to ror and it would be more amazing
  13. Stubby_racer

    WIP Boeing 747-8

    english maybe?
  14. Stubby_racer

    Random Screens

    it looks like my summer car
  15. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    also just realised it's sebring, not serbring
  16. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    sorry for thw wait i forgot how to attatch a file:ROFLMAO:
  17. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    ok sure (sorry only just got back on lol)
  18. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    actually I might have tiny really hard shocks on the back... i think that is the heaviest
  19. Stubby_racer

    WIP (submeshed) Sebring Vanguard Citicar

    ok so... managed to create a layout for the wheel arches and such but... when I loaded it into the game it collapsed. also I'm not going to put any shocks on it Miner34. the original car was pretty much wheel on axel situation so it was going to be hard as a rock to drive anyways. also I got it...