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  1. 4x4convoy


    jesus if yall dont know exactly what you're talking about dont respond. the issue is that collision debug got enabled, disable it in the settings and restart ror.
  2. 4x4convoy

    Hoodrat 2020 - V4 Update

    Removed the shock selections in favor of a better single shock setup that is good at both freestyle AND racing thanks to @Charger
  3. 4x4convoy

    Hoodrat 2020

    4x4convoy updated Hoodrat 2020 with a new update entry: V4 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. 4x4convoy


    if its lacking something you want then make it yourself. this game is community driven so if its lacking in something its cause no one wanted to make it
  5. 4x4convoy

    Random Screens

    Took the toys out
  6. 4x4convoy

    ProtoFab RockSolid™ Front Bumpers for Stoat's 92 Fords 1.0

    These are 4 different front bumpers that were modeled after the ones that can be found on ProtoFab's website for Stoat's 92 fords from the F-Series Pack The bumpers are using a Warn XD9000i winch, an Astra Depot Hawse Fairlead, and some generic amazon shackles. All of which were modeled by...
  7. 4x4convoy

    Nodes and beams question

    in blender: verts = nodes edges = beams faces = submesh faces (have to be triangles)
  8. 4x4convoy

    Custom Winch Bumper for Brett's M1008 1.0

    This is a custom winch bumper for @Brett's M1008 mod found in his Squarebody Pack. The winch model was made by @Charger. It was modeled after the one found on the FOURWHEELER website.
  9. 4x4convoy

    Tube Doors for Stoat's F-Series Fords 1.0

    These tube doors will fit Stoat's 84, 87, & 92 fords from the F-Series Pack
  10. 4x4convoy

    Half Doors for Stoat's F-Series Fords 1.0

    These half doors will fit Stoat's 84, 87, & 92 fords from the F-Series Pack
  11. 4x4convoy

    BroncoAir™ Front Bumper for Stoat's 92 Fords 1.0

    This is a front bumper that was modeled after the one that can be found on BroncoAir's website for Stoat's 92 fords from the F-Series Pack
  12. 4x4convoy

    Billet grills for Stoat's 92 Fords 1.0

    These are Billet style grills for Stoat's 92 fords from the F-Series Pack There are 4 styles included: Black Black w/ Ford Emblem Chrome Chrome w/ Ford Emblem
  13. 4x4convoy

    Convoy's Parts Warehouse

    Each part contains a Readme file inside with materials and placement lines. They do not go into detail on how to install the part, that's up to you to read the documentation and learn how to install it yourself! Some helpful pages: How to install Add-on Parts...
  14. 4x4convoy

    Flex Tester

    no, thats not how commands in ror work
  15. 4x4convoy

    Invalid 1992 Ford Wrecker Cab Placement Issue

    idk what kind of modded version you have, but that is not the original 92 wrecker ford and that is not even stoats 92 ford model so
  16. 4x4convoy

    Unsolved [Request] Keymap for Logitech G27

    well, we dont support that version anymore so you're out of luck unless you update to the latest version
  17. 4x4convoy

    Unsolved [Request] Keymap for Logitech G27

    one already comes with ror by default
  18. 4x4convoy

    Has anybody made a 2012+ chevy Silverado?

    no, there are no legit mods of it
  19. 4x4convoy

    Solved Rockton 18 problem

    I just redownloaded it from the repo and im on the latest dev build.
  20. 4x4convoy

    can you remove default cars and maps?

    yes, go into your mods folder, and remove any mods you dont want...