Search results

  1. ohlidalp

    TerrnBatcher: an in-game tool to boost terrain FPS

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the TerrnBatcher, a script with the ability to reduce batch count (thus boosting FPS) in just a few clicks. Our maps have large FPS issues due to the fact we use hundreds low-poly meshes with hundreds of individual materials containing simple...
  2. ohlidalp

    Axes, orientations and origin points

    3D is hard. XYZ sounds simple enough, but as soon as you ask "which way is left/up/right", you run into ambiguities. I'd like to sum up what we know, in a short format. The reason I'm posting this: In the game, +Y is up, +X is right, +Z is forward. See this image in OGRE docs. This "Y is up"...
  3. ohlidalp

    List of mods using legacy Cg shaders (risk analysis)

    nVidia Cg toolkit was the go-to shader technology when Rigs of Rods was at peak popularity and most mods were made (circa 2010). But now it's just a proprietary burden that prevents us from migrating to new rendering APIs. Yesterday there was a debate in Discord#development and while we pretty...
  4. ohlidalp

    September 2023: Time to pick up the (scripting) slack

    Although I didn't admit it until almost June (see my first blog), I've now spent upwards 6 months in a "slack generator" mode, adding various bits of scripting and modding without a clear direction, and often not even getting them complete. Only now I realize where it all went "wrong" - here's a...
  5. ohlidalp

    Summer 2023 dev report: Not getting stuff done to get more stuff done later

    It's been exactly 2 calendar months since my last post. Until I started typing I was sure it was just 1 month, but the last post's date was clear. Anyways here's the important news: I'm still not getting things done and I'm still not making any apologies. I'm not sitting idle either, though...
  6. ohlidalp

    Terrain system quick overview

    So I started making a test terrain for something, and because I couldn't remember what is configured where and how, I started writing a new README/HOWTO/documentation mainpage: # Welcome to Rigs of Rods's convoluted terrain system (terrn2) # This text sums up the features and provides overview...
  7. ohlidalp

    Mid 2023: What's brewing (development report)

    It's about the time for a new release, and there's no new features to highlight. There's plenty bugfixes but none of the "What's up next" points given in the previous release notes are ready - not for the lack of effort, but still. What now? As I thought about it, I realized I don't have a...
  8. ohlidalp

    In-game vehicle control UI (description/commands/beginner hints)

    Hi. Our in-game vehicle control hints are currently a bit of a mess. We have 2 UIs, each with it's quirks: Older "vehicle description" - this displays the "help texture" from old dashboard, if the vehicle specifies one. Also shows commands + descriptions. You need to show it manually. Newer...
  9. ohlidalp

    Mission system prototype

    Hi everyone, TheJesser on Discord gave me an idea of "addon missions" for existing terrains, a kind of new mod type which would add scenarios to existing terrains: After a quick chat, we made a rough design...
  10. ohlidalp

    Procedural roads evolution

    Hi everyone, procedural roads just got an interactive editor and the ability to auto-generate AI waypoints: - when finished, this editor script will be able to edit all current parameters of roads. To learn what roads can do, read our docs...
  11. ohlidalp

    Beginner tutorial to making dashboard HUD

    Hello. I'm adding new elements to dashboard ( so for testing I need a dashboard .layout which uses them. Our docs ( are detailed and up-to-date, but rather technical. Also the...
  12. ohlidalp

    Beginner tutorial: Character (rorbot) mod from scratch, in Blender

    I'm finishing up development of a new feature - 100% moddable rorbot: Like other mods, character mods are ZIPs or directories under 'Documents/My Games/Rigs of Rods/mods' with resources and a *.character file. The file format documentation is...
  13. ohlidalp

    Making a map from scratch: how hard can it be?

    Hello. I decided to try to create new terrain from scratch, just to see how much time it takes if you don't try too hard. I'll call it "Quick & Lazy" I'll go for a tiny, like 600x600meters, meshed terrain because I can't work with any heightmapping tools, but I can work with Blender (although...
  14. ohlidalp

    in game Editorizer/RoREditor

    Hello everyone. Editorizer is a classic editor for vehicles, but AFAIK the source code was never public, so it cannot be updated: However, replicating it's features directly within the game should not be a big deal. I already have some code...
  15. ohlidalp

    AngelScript scripting quickstart guide.

    We have a decently-capable scripting environment, and it will get expanded in a close future. This thread should be a catch-all introductory spot. Credit is due: the scripting subsystem, along with a race manager script, was developed by former member 'neorej16' in circa 2010 - correct me if I'm...
  16. ohlidalp


    only_a_ptr submitted a new resource: Flashlight - Simple flashlight Read more about this resource...
  17. ohlidalp

    Hydro 'r' flag.

    I've just validated a bug report from DannyWerewolf on Discord: on current stable release (2022.04) and prior, the `hydros` flag `r` (rudder input) also works for land vehicles and, quote: On current release, with "r" is exactly how it should be, and about how fast the trucks have always...
  18. ohlidalp

    Creating waypoints for meshed map (f1_tesstrack) with Blender

    Hello. Tritonas was wandering if AI waypoints could be somehow generated for a meshed track (not using procedural_roads). I figured it would be easiest to import the terrain to Blender and copy the vertices of the roads to create a "navigation mesh" of sorts where individual verts would be like...
  19. ohlidalp

    Cleanup of RoR.cfg setting names and console variable names

    Hi everybody. I'd like to clean up the setting names in RoR.cfg. Some are long like "Engines spawn running", some crammed like "GearboxMode" and all have primary short name like "sim_spawn_running" and "sim_gearbox_mode". When using the ingame console, you can only use the shortnames. Full...
  20. ohlidalp

    What's up with development

    Greetings. I never really post any dev news because I work quite chaotically, I have more than a dozen things going at any given time and I switch between them based on personal conditions. But I've just been "interviewed" about it by Max98 on Discord and with his permission, I'm reposting the...