Search results

  1. Fili86RaceFace

    Christmas time

  2. Fili86RaceFace


  3. Fili86RaceFace

    DHC-3-Otter editing

  4. Fili86RaceFace

    Matador barge crane

    matador 1 Drijvende bok (sheerleg) author chassis-Ramon103 this mod has remained in this state since it was created, it works well, the graphics need to be fixed for a moment, which I could participate in once the textures are done, it works correctly, the small arm that tries to tip towards...
  5. Fili86RaceFace

    Christmas lettering

    Un augurio a tutti i compontenti del forum Die besten Wünsche an alle Mitglieder des Forums Felicidades a todos os membros do fórum Mis mejores deseos para todos los miembros del foro. наилучшие пожелания всем форумчанам
  6. Fili86RaceFace

    Christmas Straddle Carrier 2023

    Kalmar CSC340
  7. Fili86RaceFace

    Riverboat and skins

    danzas dockwise maersk mercurius Wagenborg
  8. Fili86RaceFace

    lhm 500 update

    old lhm 500 update file .truck the engine does not idle, difficulty in movement, addition of missing axles on the front part of the undercarriage added video camera on the lower cab
  9. Fili86RaceFace

    SL R2

    i add ropables 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, but if I use a crane the hook finds only one anchor point, what to do?
  10. Fili86RaceFace


    zip file? thx
  11. Fili86RaceFace

    RoadTrainAustralia map

    update if for 0.4? thx
  12. Fili86RaceFace

    Takraf Harbor Crane

    any info about it? my file not work, thx
  13. Fili86RaceFace


    i can't find it on old repo, thx
  14. Fili86RaceFace

    Stepdeck Custom SK 2

    can fix this mod for last version? thx
  15. Fili86RaceFace


    hi guys i wanted to test this zip, but on the latest version of ror the vehicle does not start, is there an improved zip to work correctly? Thank you
  16. Fili86RaceFace

    Merry Ship Merry

    Sincere wishes to all
  17. Fili86RaceFace


    New mod soon on repo by @helax and me
  18. Fili86RaceFace

    Concrete barrier

    New mod soon on repo by @helax and me