box truck

  1. Uploaded from Archives

    MAN F2000 Evo 9/16/14

    FEATURES: -Two versions (4X4 and 6X4) -Detailed mesh body/wheels -Interior with custom dashboard and moving steering wheel -Raise-able lift axle (only available on the 6X4 version) -Trailer hitch (only available on the 6X4 version) -Sprung Cab (It'll tilt as you accelerate/brake/go over a bump)...
  2. N

    Low Cab Forward Trucks 11/8/2022

    No you do not have permission to use my model.........(Maybe ask?) Thanks to those who contributed There is an empty frame for your modding needs. SHIFT-F2 to lock the back door of the dump truck before you depart SHIFT-F1-to unlock he back door PROPERTY OF ROR
  3. Uploaded from Archives

    Mercedes-Benz Atego 1318 CoMax 12/04/2021 - V3

    Press CTRL+T to view a list of commands.