
  1. grahamjamesaddis

    Solved Blender 2.8 addon ror_import/ror_export

    Hello people, I've had a go at updating the following addon(s) to blender 2.8 and at first glance it seems to work. I had a look, but I couldn't find a github repository to set up a pull request for. Any pointers...
  2. Will

    Unsolved Mesh Import Error

    Hello, It's Will Just checking in to see if anyone could help me with this error. This happens when I import some mesh files, but sometimes it does not occur. Screenshot of the error. Thank you!
  3. U

    Blender N/B Import/Export Plugin 2023-01-03

    Guide: Features: Full vertex group support Automatic column alignment Sophisticated vertex position rounding Automatic beam sorting based on the vertex groups All node, beam and cab options are preserved during import / export...