input and configuration

  1. C

    BUTTON Layout Guide for Logitech G29

    Hey guys, I will post a link to my video showing you how to configure your input map to cooperate with your Logitech G29 Wheel.
  2. StalowyJan2000

    Discussion about Logitech(also other brands) Steering wheels about Config Input-Keymap, wheel problems and more... (Windows-Linux)

    Hello, I'm make this discussion for latest Config Input-Keymap for Ligitech steering wheels form oldest to latest, chat about wheels and help with wheel problems. You can chat here about Input-Keymaps, Logitech steering wheels or other wheels brands, problems in RoR using steering wheels and...
  3. Jett G


    I read the docs and didn't get any clear explanation about this specific matter but is there any way to have one N/B Prop have a minor delay before it activates while being the same keybind for another prop? I understand thats probably confusing but I uploaded this video so you get what I mean.