
  1. srt.kitkat

    how to make skins?

    i just got and how do i make skins? can someone help?
  2. siema

    RoR Easter egg mod.

    There was that one mod that was an easter egg (literally!) on RoR's twitter. Is it possible to get it? ik it's old but ehh Screenshot by @Ramys3434 on Discord
  3. srt.kitkat

    need help to make a brand new mod

    hello i am pretty new to ror and i found this really similar dodge demon model in sketchfab and i rlly like it and i got the model but idk how im supposed to like add sounds, animations and stuff to it and is it hard? what do i need to make it?
  4. NotaHuman_Thanks

    Does anybody know any good mods?

    So I've been lurking the repository for some time now, and i can't really find any good mods. any suggestions?