
  1. Uploaded from Archives

    Volvo 240 1.0

    All three Volvos updated with flares, transparency, minor fixes to skin and chassis and so on. - Bonehead, 2007 Includes enhancements by zipppy in 2009 (wheel textures, UID change) Improvements by @CuriousMike (June 29th, 2024) Restored original wheel textures on "Badass" version, zipppy's...
  2. Uploaded from Archives

    Volvo FMX 8x6 with Effer 1355 1/18/2020

    Controls: Truck: f9/f10 suspension-up/down f1/f2+alt cabin up/down Crane: f1/f2 rotation crane f3/f4 main boom up/down f5/f6 second boom up/down f7/f8 booms in/out f9/f10 boom turning hook Legs: ctr+f1/f2 legs turning down ctr+f3/f4 front leg-turning-outside ctr+f5/f6 legs left in/ out...
  3. Uploaded from Archives

    Volvo FMX Erkin ER-450000 1.2

    Lift capacity 3m -150 ton 23m -13 ton straight in the height ,all booms out 33 ton Placing the counterweight: Spawn the hook here: COMMANDS: CRANE: f1/f2 rotation crane f3/f4 main boom up/down f5/f6 second boom up/down f7/f8 booms in/out f9/f10 boom turning hook HOOK/LIFTFRAME: f9/f10...
  4. Uploaded from Archives

    Volvo FMX 10/5/2019

    This file has been uploaded from the archives. No description is available.
  5. PoLi

    Beta Volvo Fh4 6x4 Pack 2019-07-27

  6. PoLi

    Volvo FH4 4x2 Pack 2019-07-27

  7. N

    Volvo VNL Semi 2

    Press CTRL-T to see command list The air suspension has 2 height stages for your convenience, just hit the forward command button again, vise versa to lower. PROPERTY OF ROR
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    Volvo VHD trucks 2019-01-09

    Press CTRL-T to see command list ALT-L unlocks the manbucket and crane from hold. When you lock the second part of the hooklift, ALT-L unlocks it from the frame, there is a timer so it will lock back when close enough, so rev and lift. The air suspension has 2 height stages for your...
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    Volvo EW160C & EC160 2021-05-01

    Press CTRL-T to see command list for vehicle ALT-F11-F12: RPM_select ALT-F5-F6: Lock _attachment_to_tiltrotator ALT-F8: Start_stop_hammer_animation SHIFT-F9-F12: Tiltrotator/Grapple_controls SHIFT-F1-F2: Lock_forks_to_skid PROPERTY OF ROR