
  1. CuriousMike

    Work Meister S1 Wheels 1.0

    Work Meister S1 wheels by GamerNex, supports the new Tuning menu. These wheels can be installed onto most vehicles, however versions specific to the Gavril G2/G2S/G2R and Gavril MV4S are also included. Best used with the Suspension Modification Add-On Pack. Enjoy!
  2. CuriousMike

    StanceWerkz Wheel Pack 1.0

    -Welcome to StanceWerkz!- As the name says, it's all about stance and hard parking here. No performance needed, I promise! - FreeFall, 2013 These are wheels initially created & released by FreeFall in 2013. Now supporting the new add-on parts system, they can be installed onto virtually any...