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I have been messing with the ingame console recently (mainly gravity settings), but I can't get the "setwaterlevel" command to work correctly. I input something like "setwaterlevel 1.0" but all it returns is "Please enter a correct value." I have tried different ways of typing it (setwaterlevel=1, setwaterlevel (1.0)), but they all say the same thing when I press enter. What is the correct formatting for this command?
I have been messing with the ingame console recently (mainly gravity settings), but I can't get the "setwaterlevel" command to work correctly. I input something like "setwaterlevel 1.0" but all it returns is "Please enter a correct value." I have tried different ways of typing it (setwaterlevel=1, setwaterlevel (1.0)), but they all say the same thing when I press enter. What is the correct formatting for this command?