Terrain system quick overview


Infamous Developer
So I started making a test terrain for something, and because I couldn't remember what is configured where and how, I started writing a new README/HOWTO/documentation mainpage:

# Welcome to Rigs of Rods's convoluted terrain system (terrn2)
# This text sums up the features and provides overview of the
# various config files involved.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# File types (they're all plaintext!), in intuitive order:
# - terrn2: main file (name, version, category, authors, filenames)
#           required, one per terrain
# - otc: ogre terrain config - heightmap and ground mesh texturing/shading
#        one global per terrain - required, one per terrain page - optional.
# - cfg: aka 'landusemap' - ground traction/friction properties
#        optional, one per terrain, referenced from terrn2
# - os: 'ogre script' - Caelum sky and weather system config
#        optional, one per terrain, referenced from terrn2
# - tobj: terrain objects (buildings, vehicles, machines, loads, vegetation)
#         optional, use as many as you need, referenced from terrn2
# - odef: static terrain object definition, referenced from tobj
#         one file = one object, there are builtins in resources/meshes.zip
# - as: AngelScript file
#       optional, use as many as you want.
# Quick navigation by feature, in intuitive order:
# - Basic info (name, version, guid, category): terrn2, section [General]
# - Credits: terrn2, section [Authors]
# - Size in kilometers: otc (global) - even if heighmap is not used!
# - Heightmap file and max height (in meters): otc (global)
# - Shading options:  otc (global)
# - Textures and blending: otc (per page)
# - Traction/friction properties: cfg aka 'landusemap'
# - Alternate shading/textures: terrn2, section [General], setting 'CustomMaterial'
# - on/off, global height: terrn2, section [General]
# - sky box (simplified sky): terrn2, section [General]
# - advanced sky and weather - Caelum system: os
# - grass (PagedGeometry): tobj, keyword 'grass'
# - trees and bushes (PagedGeometry): tobj, keyword 'trees'
# - roads: tobj, keywords `begin/end_procedural_road`
# - buildings, signs, fences: tobj (list of odef files)
# - scripting triggers (eventboxes): tobj (list of odef files)
# - start position: terrn2, section [General]

Next I'll add links because our docs at https://docs.rigsofrods.org/terrain-creation/terrn2-subsystem/ are a bit fractured, they list per-fileformat settings but don't make it easy to navigate between fileformats, and some things like grass are hidden in "old terrn" page.

Let me know what reads better for you.