what is the best way to orient meshes?

if you look in the truck file, you'd be able to see the reference node, x-axis node, and y-axis node
for example, in my car, the x-axis node is to the right of the reference node, and the y-axis node is directly above the reference. z-axis is whatever axis that isn't used
to position, the three values after ref, x, y will be the x, y, z offset (in meters), and after those will be the x, y, z rotation (in degrees), then the mesh name
correcting devel who said:
to position, the three values after ref, x, y will be the x, y, z offset (in meters), and after those will be the x, y, z rotation (in degrees), then the mesh name

how offsets work is basically a decimal percentage from the ref node to which ever axis node

so after ref, x, y, will be your offset in decimal percentages (0.0 to 1.0 for 0-100%)

so if let's say the distance from your ref to X node in meters is 4, and you want your thing at 2 meters or halfway to the X node, your X offset would be 0.5

the formula is simply small over big: [distance in meters from ref node to mesh/flare origin location] divided by (the distance from ref to axis node)

you can see this formula in action & place flares/meshes easier with this tutorial
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how offsets work is basically a decimal percentage from the ref node to which ever axis node

so after ref, x, y, will be your offset in decimal percentages (0.0 to 1.0 for 0-100%)

so if let's say the distance from your ref to X node in meters is 4, and you want your thing at 2 meters or halfway to the X node, your X offset would be 0.5

the formula is simply small over big: [distance in meters from ref node to mesh/flare origin location] divided by the distance from ref to axis node)

you can see this formula in action & place flares/meshes easier with this tutorial

Why is stuff like this not on the Docs? I feel like we've evolved backwards, using rocks as hammers, instead of hammers 😭 and then Flip comes and is like "hey guys you know we had hammers since 2011, oh and here is how to use them, and how it all makes sense now (y)
Why is stuff like this not on the Docs? I feel like we've evolved backwards, using rocks as hammers, instead of hammers 😭 and then Flip comes and is like "hey guys you know we had hammers since 2011, oh and here is how to use them, and how it all makes sense now (y)
i just checked right now and this stuff has been added to the docs
i guess i had to use offsets so small i thought they were measured in meters
the docs for the flares always had this tho, which i know
i just checked right now and this stuff has been added to the docs
i guess i had to use offsets so small i thought they were measured in meters
the docs for the flares always had this tho, which i know

yeah meters are part of it (your distance from ref to axis node in meters) but are a percentage of said distance from 0 to 100% and not actually how far along in meters

the things that actually use metric distances in the truck file would be the cinecam & node locations (distances in meters from the N/B origin)