2003 Dodge Durango

2003 Dodge Durango 0.1

I have a slightly more finished version of this mod that @Forge and I worked on for a while back in 2022 after we got permission from stoat, it's pretty much abandoned now as Forge and I have moved on.

At the time of abandonment, we added sounds/engine tuning, paint colors and a skinning template, some badging, a receiver hitch, and a poorly made offroad variant. I also had a fully hand modeled interior that was almost finished, but as I looked on my old hard drive, the only file that wasn't corrupted was one part of the dashboard model

I have no interest in finishing what Forge and I have started, as I have a full time job on a ranch now, and Forge has gone chasing buses. If anyone wants to pick up this forgotten project, you can get a better start from the files on this repository, or I can send what I have of this abandoned remaster
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I am working on adding the different engines and gearboxes. I will also get round to adding sounds soon.
if more of the dash model is recovered, Im down to place the interior & flares
now that I think about it, lets make finishing this a team resource
I have finished the engine sections. That was a quick, easy job. Sounds are harder. If anyone has an engine similar to that, I can tell you what to do to get a good recording.
Here's what I could recover of the old files (For some reason I DM'ed them to Mike instead of sending them here). There's probably some things I forgot to mention in my post above, found a few as I put this together.

I have finished the engine sections. That was a quick, easy job. Sounds are harder. If anyone has an engine similar to that, I can tell you what to do to get a good recording.

This zip file has sounds for a couple of the engines, feel free to combine them with your engine configs


i agree, this is beautiful and has potential for: race, drag, offroad, and maybe boat (?) versions.
I have added correct torque values and curves along with correct max_rpm and gearbox settings for both the 5.2 and 4.7 engines (select it them in the section part). See if you like it.


I have added correct torque values and curves along with correct max_rpm and gearbox settings for both the 5.2 and 4.7 engines (select it them in the section part). See if you like it.

Your RPM tuning was incorrect. The IRL 2003 4.7 Magnum (what the sounds were recorded from) idles at 700 and revlimits at 4000. In ROR the revlimit is x1.25 what the max_rpm is set to, so max_rpm has to be set to 3200 to be correct (and not break the 4.7 revlimit sound). Here's what the engine section should look like:

Your 5.9 tuning is spot on other than the idle being a little high, the 5.9 that the sounds were recorded off of idled at 850.

Also, here's how you can get the separate sounds on each engine:

And make sure to shorten the universal truckfile soundsources to this:
Now, that we have sounds and colors, it's only the interior and engine. The interior could be taken from the Ram 12V. And the engine.. idk