Recent content by ohlidalp

  1. ohlidalp

    Why has there been no releases in years?

    I'm to blame. I'm not happy with the game and I'm always trying to fix more things. That's basically it.
  2. ohlidalp

    Mission system prototype

    This project has been in limbo for nearly a year now, so just a quick update. This idea isn't abandoned, a scenario system is absolutely coming in the future, but in somewhat different form. The problems I ran into: Too much repetitive script code - I thought every mission type would have it's...
  3. ohlidalp


    Hi, this is probably good moment to share my plans for the race system. I want to make a complete terrain editor in the near future, and I want it to include race editing, and I want the upcoming release to be able to play those new races. Problem is, currently races are defined in script code...
  4. ohlidalp

    AngelScript scripting quickstart guide.

    Yes, you can do this anytime: game.pushMessage(MSG_APP_UNLOAD_SCRIPT_REQUESTED, { {'id',thisScript}}); Function doc: Messages doc...
  5. ohlidalp

    AngelScript scripting quickstart guide.

    Sorry about response lag. This is possible, but it's done another way around... instead of trying to suspend the script for some time, you take advantage of the fact game runs your `void frameStep(float dt)` every frame, and just do nothing until enough time has passed. Like this: float...
  6. ohlidalp

    (For Devs) New Server Net

    Hi, sorry for taking more than a year to get to this. You're making a very good point. States like parking brake aren't transferred because they don't have any visual indication. Brakes have a brake light flare so they must be synched, and they are - I'm not sure why brake sounds don't work...
  7. ohlidalp

    TerrnBatcher: an in-game tool to boost terrain FPS

    Bump! The branch is now merged, so the script is included with itch devbuild, see for instructions. Any comments are welcome.
  8. ohlidalp

    Embedded waypoints

    I've just made it possible:
  9. ohlidalp

    WIP - Beta Released Stunt Rally 130 tracks converted for RoR

    Regarding road meshes, The Pull Request 3030 introduces the ability to generate arbitrary meshes via AngelScript, so you can write a script that hides auto-generated meshes and creates new custom ones. The bundled script '' can serve as example how roads are accessed dynamically. I...
  10. ohlidalp

    WIP - Beta Released Stunt Rally asset packs

    This is such a fantastic contribution. Thank you!
  11. ohlidalp

    TerrnBatcher: an in-game tool to boost terrain FPS

    I added the option to dump the generated meshes as regular .mesh files. The [dump] button only becomes visible if you check the "Enable dumping..." checkbox.
  12. ohlidalp

    WIP - Beta Released Community Map

    I've been workin on a tool to optimize this map (and other maps as well):
  13. ohlidalp

    TerrnBatcher: an in-game tool to boost terrain FPS

    Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the TerrnBatcher, a script with the ability to reduce batch count (thus boosting FPS) in just a few clicks. Our maps have large FPS issues due to the fact we use hundreds low-poly meshes with hundreds of individual materials containing simple...
  14. ohlidalp

    Porting content - Stunt Rally tracks exporter

    Asset packs drafted: I'll probably do the TOBJ 'set_default_scaling' directive tomorrow. I didn't have time to read the latest posts, either way your porting efforts are admirable and it's terrific that you even hang around this project (y)
  15. ohlidalp

    Porting content - Stunt Rally tracks exporter

    OK, I'll try to put answers together. Resource packs: at the moment we don't have that, but it wouldn't be a big deal to add - it just never became a priority, I guess somebody suggested it (SimMonsters people perhaps) but I don't have any specific memory. How I'd go about it: Considering how...