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Selfsteering Trailer with Dolly

Selfsteering Trailer with Dolly 4/17/2019

This file has been uploaded from the archives.

How to use:

Pull the trailer next to the load so the rear part is at the right place.
Disconnect the rear part with F11 and pull the front part to the front attachment point.
Use a crane to put the load on, the wood load also has invisible legs so it can be loaded without crane, use F9/10.
The steering strength can be adjusted with F5/6 to fit to the length of the load.
The rear part has manual steering for special situations: F7/8, don't use when the steering is already at maximum angle!

The legs fold in automatically if you pull them up with F1, hold F2 until they fully fold out.

The load will attach on the trailer automatically once it is close enough to the right position.
To unload push F12, but attach it to a crane first and put enough tension until the trailer almost lifts off!

Thanks to Lifter for the hookgroups and triggers and for support with this project!
Thanks to fidoj for his roof part load!

Please do not modify this without my permission,
skins can be added using the skin file system: skins-working
If this system is used properly then no need for my permission for skins.

You need a RoR version with working hookgroups and triggers to use this, 0.38.40 and up!
Uploaded from Archives
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