I am exporting in blender and receiving an error.
Error: https://prnt.sc/q4rtqn
My Blender Settings: https://gyazo.com/4d45eec3b5404ad0f395249e1d699868
If you need any other info, please let me know!
It's Will
Just checking in to see if anyone could help me with this error. This happens when I import some mesh files, but sometimes it does not occur.
Screenshot of the error. Thank you!
Whenever I am making a bake, the image always comes out 'blotchy' or pixelated.
http://prntscr.com/n17yje (It doesn't look this way from far away, but zooming in it is.)
Guide: https://docs.rigsofrods.org/tools-tutorials/visual-editors/#blender
Full vertex group support
Automatic column alignment
Sophisticated vertex position rounding
Automatic beam sorting based on the vertex groups
All node, beam and cab options are preserved during import / export...