car trailer

  1. Uploaded from Archives

    AirBag Trailer 1.0

    A small flatbed trailer designed to transport vehicles with low ground clearance. Credits: Adolfo Pineda - Trailer LT. Smell My - Wheels and tires CuriousMike - Weight tuning, flares, other improvements Enjoy!
  2. Uploaded from Archives

    MothTail Hydraulic Ramp Trailer 1

    MothTail Hydraulic Ramp Trailer Credits: MothBird The Wolf (now known as @Austin) Jaw-4 Controls: CTRL + F1/F2: Tongue Jacks CTRL + F3/F4: Main Ramp CTRL + F5/F6: Ramp Tip CTRL + F7/F8: Suspension Height "O": Lock Load Onto Deck (Trailer is enter-able through the vehicles drop down in...