
  1. Uploaded from Archives

    RVI Agora S Revival 3/24/2013

    This is the revival mod for pricorde's Agora S. It is meshed, and much higher quality. Credits: Pricorde - Original bus Derbymutt - Revival, meshes, re-texturing, n/b fixes and changes, shader stuff Fradias - Wheels & Tires Modding Policy: Modding and releasing any content for this bus on a...
  2. Uploaded from Archives

    DAF Semi Rebirth 1

    DAF SEMI REBIRTH "The king returns!" In 2011, one of the greatest RoR Trucks got updated! I worked quite hard on this and I hope you like it. This is an updated version of the DAF semi truck with improved handling, fixed errors, fixed bugs. Features: Mid-Low Poly Mesh Flexbody Meshwheels...