Are there any attenuators for Rigs of Rods?

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Fledgling Modder
I was just wondering, is there an attenuator for this game? Or anything that matches the type of truck shown below?

i dont even know what a attenuator is


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i dont even know what a attenuator is
There are no crash attenuators that I know of. They would be a nice addition.
i dont even know what a attenuator is

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i dont even know what a attenuator is

When an accident or road worker happens, you have a truck that has a shelter there behind so if any car or truck were driving on the truck, almost all power takes up as the protection takes up the power.

There are no crash attenuators that I know of. They would be a nice addition.
I might have an Idea on how to make them. Take the adjustable tire script, put it into a box shape, with actuators on the end connected to the truck, and then 'deflate' the nodes to about 20-25%

I have no Idea how to do that, I just turned a K700 onto its side, and rammed Burnsides into its tires at different pressures :)
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I was in talks with ThatsNice a while ago about just this. A flexbody would be the best way to do it. You just need a deformable NB and mesh with some command beams and shocks.
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