Californian Skin For The Gavril G2s

Californian Skin For The Gavril G2s 0.1

regarding the fact that it's low quality, yes it is a lazily made skin, and it's not repo-worthy, but I can update it so it looks better (or I can make an addon license plate, which might take longer and might be harder, but it'll at least be higher quality)
regarding the fact that it's low quality, yes it is a lazily made skin, and it's not repo-worthy, but I can update it so it looks better (or I can make an addon license plate, which might take longer and might be harder, but it'll at least be higher quality)
u can do it
regarding the fact that it's low quality, yes it is a lazily made skin, and it's not repo-worthy, but I can update it so it looks better (or I can make an addon license plate, which might take longer and might be harder, but it'll at least be higher quality)
you should make ones for the rast of the g2 configs