how do i report a player


so i was in official any and this player said some pretty bad stuff, how do i report him?, before this he said stuff like the n word, dumbass and kill yourself, unfortunately my epic computer skills corrupted that screenshot
Multiplayer chat is saved
So i guess it can be saved and get the player IP banned not sure tho.
Also you would need some more evidence od what he said
I think it would be possible to get their IP address banned, but the screenshot doesn't give enough evidence. I can't figure out which player he's talking about.
Report the player in the discord server (remember to provide valid proof, and don't censor anything out!), you can also try getting in touch with the staff through the forums, but I suggest the fist option, as it is quicker. (If you wish I an report the player on the discord server, if you prefer not to use it)
In addition to what was said earlier, the logs are registered always, and are never removed. I think if you ask nicely, and provide the needed information the staff will look through them to get more proof.

I reported a couple of player using only screenshots, all of them, that had a reason to be banned, were banned perma (IP ban, I think). Good luck and have fun reporting! :D
If that happens again, and you can't get a screenshot because the chat messages disappear, use the ~ key on your keyboard to open the Console, then you can scroll through the chat history and take the screenshots you need.