How to improve handling on Gavril G2?


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hello In the past 3-4 years i have done some truck file tuning for gabester cars most with good results
The only car that gave problems was the G2.It was very unstable even on stock configs.
My question is what can i do to make it drive better without re making the whole suspension?(met a guy on mp who done that)
As off now I tried changing grip,mass,shocks,differentials and nothing gave me the results I was looking for.
More rear toe and a little camber all around helps a lot. Lowering the spring value of the set_beam_defaults right above meshwheels is a very simple but effective one. I can't recall if it has a wings line off the top of my head, but increasing those values or adding wings to the front and rear helped a lot
More rear toe and a little camber all around helps a lot. Lowering the spring value of the set_beam_defaults right above meshwheels is a very simple but effective one. I can't recall if it has a wings line off the top of my head, but increasing those values or adding wings to the front and rear helped a lot
Ok ill try that.How do you change the toe?
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This thread explains it for camber, but you can apply it to the X values instead of Y, and that's toe basically. Z also pushes the wheel in and out

This thread explains it for camber, but you can apply it to the X values instead of Y, and that's toe basically. Z also pushes the wheel in and out

Ok should toe be in or out?
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Ok thanks for the help on this its already a lot better with diffrent spring value