Hi, I've been wondering if there is any .map files for the Logitech F310 for Linux. I tried using a .map file from here -->
https://forum.rigsofrods.org/resources/logitech-gamepad-f310-input-map.692/, But it didn't seem to work, I've tried the same file on windows and it worked fine. So does any one have a F310 .map file for Linux Mint
Hi, I don't know in what way input maps are different on linux, but..
Plug in your controller, open RoR, close RoR, and then have a look at your
file (from
folder, this will be in the same folder your
folder is)
If RoR doesn't detect your controller - someone else will have to help, I don't know how to troubleshoot that on linux.
If RoR detects your controller, see what is the filename (
VendorMapFilename) of the input map it tries to load for it. If it's different, rename your input map to match.
This below is a part of my log, with a Logitech Rumblepad 2 - you can see RoR detects my controller, and tells me the filename of the input map it's looking for - and that it fails to load (I renamed the file so it wouldn't find it):
*** Loading OIS ***
15:22:26: *** Initializing OIS ***
15:22:26: OIS Version: 1.4.0
15:22:26: + Release Name: 1.4.0
15:22:26: + Manager: Win32InputManager
15:22:26: + Total Keyboards: 1
15:22:26: + Total Mice: 1
15:22:26: + Total JoySticks: 1
15:22:26: * Device: Keyboard Vendor: Win32InputManager
15:22:26: * Device: Mouse Vendor: Win32InputManager
* Device: JoyStick Vendor: Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
15:22:26: Creating Joystick 1 (Logitech RumblePad 2 USB)
15:22:26: * Axes: 4
15:22:26: * Sliders: 0
15:22:26: * POV/HATs: 1
15:22:26: * Buttons: 12
15:22:26: * Vector3: 0
15:22:26: * Loading input mapping input.map
15:22:26: unknown event (ignored): COMMON_TOGGLE_RENDER_MODE
15:22:26: unknown event (ignored): COMMON_TOGGLE_TRUCK_LIGHTS
15:22:26: Error while processing input config: Unknown Event: COMMON_TOGGLE_TRUCK_LIGHTS
15:22:26: * Input map successfully loaded: 251 entries
* Loading input mapping Logitech_RumblePad_2_USB.map
15:22:26: Ogre::FileNotFoundException::FileNotFoundException: Cannot locate resource Logitech_RumblePad_2_USB.map in resource group Config. in ResourceGroupManager:: openResource at C:\Users\runneradmin\.conan2\p\b\ogre3fe0bfe7b8a715\b\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 706)