Morales County V8

Morales County V8 8.0.1


New member
Mr.Pechin submitted a new resource:

Morales County V8 - A small realistic looking map. Great for photographs.

Hello everyone,
I've decided to release what I have created so far for Morales County because I don't have access to the files currently and I'm probably gonna make a new one and release that one as I go along.

Please DO NOT use any objects from this file and apply it to your own resource and share it.

This work is protected under Creative Commons

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Here's a fix for the shiny ground texture, I uploaded this to the RoR Discord server a couple months ago, just forgot to share it here.

As the forum doesn't allow for DDS files to be uploaded, I've instead packed it in a zip. Just extract the zip into a folder (e.g. the Desktop) then drag and drop into the file.

