D Disloyalpick SASSAFRASS Old-timer Aug 30, 2018 #25 Not as bad as it was. All because I forgot to change the default wireless channel lol.
T The-old-twingo 0 Apr 3, 2020 #35 And this is close to the router Attachments Screenshot_20200403-073137~2.png 12.5 KB · Views: 532
Uneducated_Reddit Semi-Truck Knowledge Enhanced Mar 23, 2021 #39 it dont let me send an file but it said .5mbps and 10. playing the game gets me avg 15 frames
Mopar/Ramcharger Retired Mar 23, 2021 #40 this is the average in the web browser in Ror: 3-6Mbps in everythin else: 5Mbps bout ready to ditch my crappy ISP mainly cause of their crappy service.
this is the average in the web browser in Ror: 3-6Mbps in everythin else: 5Mbps bout ready to ditch my crappy ISP mainly cause of their crappy service.