Reconnecting with old members

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New member
It's been a long time and I'm glad to see the updated website and the community trying to stick together. I'm making this post hoping if anyone I used to play with years ago is still around and would like to reconnect and see how everyone has been. If a thread like this exists please direct me there.
Well... it exists now I guess... you just made it ;)

Anyways, I don't know if you have ever played with me or not... but more than likely, if you have been on the forums throughout their existence, you have probably run into some of my posts at some point. I have pretty much been here as long as they have existed.
For kicks and giggles I did a search of the old forum and the oldest post with my name in it was from 07-14-10. It feels like ages ago at this point. Unfortunately I can't tell when I joined... I do remember just playing on St. Helens with only the DAF and the Bus.

I'm betting my memory is just bad because I just found the old changelog and it looks like I picked up the game between .34 and .35. I really can't believe that it's been since early 2008.
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For kicks and giggles I did a search of the old forum and the oldest post with my name in it was from 07-14-10. It feels like ages ago at this point. Unfortunately I can't tell when I joined... I do remember just playing on St. Helens with only the DAF and the Bus.

I'm betting my memory is just bad because I just found the old changelog and it looks like I picked up the game between .34 and .35. I really can't believe that it's been since early 2008.

It's been 12 years. Half my life. Crazy to think about.
Well... it exists now I guess... you just made it ;)

Anyways, I don't know if you have ever played with me or not... but more than likely, if you have been on the forums throughout their existence, you have probably run into some of my posts at some point. I have pretty much been here as long as they have existed.
Hey, i remember you! i got really into RoR back in like 2011/2012 and made a ton of crazy stuff like a transforming scorpion, a mono-cycle, and poorly modeled rock crawlers . You were one of the few who took interest in how i made them function.
Haven't played the game in like 5 years but its good to see the forum is still around.
Hey, i remember you! i got really into RoR back in like 2011/2012 and made a ton of crazy stuff like a transforming scorpion, a mono-cycle, and poorly modeled rock crawlers . You were one of the few who took interest in how i made them function.
Haven't played the game in like 5 years but its good to see the forum is still around.
Oh yeah! That Monocycle was pretty bomb! That is one thing I always loved about this game was that you can get really creative with how you go about making things work... you didn't have to follow an conventional approach, and honestly, anything that did follow a conventional approach, I wasn't even interested in.
Not sure what happened around here. Decided to come back an see what all had changed, to only find out i'm a nub again after like 10-11 years... what the heck? lol
Yeah... we all got turned into nubs and lost all our internet cookies and what not... The servers ended up getting reset by mistake and wiped out all the data... then something else happened that wiped them all out again. So any history you "had" is pretty much just echos in the past or whatever we all remember about each other :P
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