Vehicle name: Audi 80
Year (if unknown, leave blank):
Distance travelled: 500 km
Damages (if none, leave blank): Front left door bend, hood bend, grill bend, front left fender bend, left tire bend, front left headlight broken, front window broken, rear trunk bend, front bumber broken, rear bumber bend
Extras (if any): I crashed it into fence in the curve at Nhelens.
Vehicle history (e.g accidents and insurance claims, if none leave blank): Year 2009 accident when door jammed at neoquetaro and this accident in year 2017
Service records (e.g if stolen, vandalised, etc. in past, if not, leave blank): Got vandalised in nequetaro when it`s almost get stolen and who lead at door jamming
Previous owner((s), if any): Dealership
Pick-up/delivery only or OK for both: Ok for both pickup and delivery
Location: Nhelens
Asking price: 400€