The rorserver crashes awfully often lately. Sometimes it runs fine for 2 weeks, sometimes it crashes 2 times a day.
From Tritonas00 on Discord:
lets get the facts from start
years ago socketw working fine (at least from what mike said)
rorserver used to run months without crash
then rornet enhanced of course, new things added
rorserver starts crashing(edited)
socketw lib remained the same
My response: it could be
- different build of socketw (like the directx VS2017/19 issue)
- OS update on server
- rorserver bug, obviously.
- RoR bug.
Attached are gdb logs from the crashes.
From Tritonas00 on Discord:
lets get the facts from start
years ago socketw working fine (at least from what mike said)
rorserver used to run months without crash
then rornet enhanced of course, new things added
rorserver starts crashing(edited)
socketw lib remained the same
My response: it could be
- different build of socketw (like the directx VS2017/19 issue)
- OS update on server
- rorserver bug, obviously.
- RoR bug.
Attached are gdb logs from the crashes.