Unsolved (Updated Title) Running RoR off a usb external HDD?

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I like birbs.
Hey, I recently got Rigs of Rods again as I have more space available for it. I ran the game for the first time after install and it ran fine, I cleared the ''empty'' file out of the terrains folder and the vehicles folder because I figured it wouldn't be important (Which it probably was, wasn't it?). I downloaded the Gabester Vehicle pack off the Repository and took out the zips for the vehicles I wanted. I moved the zips into vehicles and tried to start RoR. I was met with the normal ''Run RoR Config first!'' error message so I ran the config app. I tapped save and play and I got an error:
RoR Error.PNG

RoR Error 2.PNG

RoR Error 3.PNG


It's something to do with the config or cache or something. I was wondering if somebody could help me with this as I am a bit of an idiot when it comes to this sort of stuff, but it's a simple fix I am sure. I am running the newest version of RoR. Also, if it helps: I am running RoR off a external USB 500GB Hard Drive incase that's the issue here
Thanks! - IsMayoAnInstrument
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Now I have to make a new thread.. cuz... my pc name has.. "stupid" characters such as.. ó ú ü ő ö
____________________________________________________________________________________________^this one.
and My game crashed with utf-8 error(before).. :D
The game makes that folder when u install it. c.c
U could try to reinstall the game and that has to "repair" it c.c
(You don't even have to uninstall it :D just install it to the same directory as u had it before)

I checked:
If you install it again (without uninstalling)
it will install the missing files from your documents folder. :)

Wow... great. I guess you can't even run RoR on a external HDD now. I have maps and a gabester vehicle pack installed and RoR thinks there is nothing. Someone please help with this because no matter what I am trying it isn't working.

Small pointless update: Reinstalled again, no luck. I might try some other things but I just want it all on the USB Device and not the computer (besides the shortcut obviously) because I have little to no space on my computer and none of it can be cleared...
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4th Reinstall: I put gabester pack as a test file into packs and when I went into the game nothing showed up. So I tried again by putting the zip into vehicles. Yet again, nothing appears. I look into the folders ''Packs'' and ''Vehicles'' again and delete the ''empty'' files to see if that would help. What happens? You guessed it!
Nothing, nothing at all...
But seriously, I am really stuck on what I am actually supposed to be doing here.
Okay. First, uninstall the Rigs of Rods program (just delete everything). Then re-install it, look in the "Documents" folder and you should see a folder named, "Rigs of Rods". Next, don't delete ANYTHING in that folder if you still want terrain, vehicles and all the other required functions. Finally, download the mods you want, un-zip them and move the vehicles, into you know where and like wise for the rest of the mods. After that you, everything should work fine, and if there's any problems, just respond...;)
Thanks yawnder, I'll see if this works. I just wanna store it all on the External HDD but apparently the mods need to be read from a local disk.
So my question is: Can you install it all onto the external so it reads it all from the external? This would help a lot as I have almost no space on my laptop but I want to play RoR again so I can record some crashes and stuff. The local disk thing is the main issue according to someone I met on RoR Multiplayer.
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After watching this, will it actually work? I mean, it says ''new laptop'' or referring to a new INTERNAL hard drive.
What I'm trying to do is to get RoR and all of it's assests (including all the mods which is what I am having problems with really) onto my external HDD (which is technically just a really big usb in the long run) So that when I plug It into my computer I will be able to run it off that. I didn't see much help In the video but perhaps you could explain it better to me. Sorry, I'm just useless with this stuff.
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