Volvo Fh4 6x4 Pack

WIP - Beta Released Volvo FH4: 4x2, 6x2 and 6x4 and Feldbinder Silo trailer 2019-07-27


In progress of development of myself
[FONT=comic\ sans\ ms]Volvos fh4 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units[/FONT]


Volvos fh4 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units that are customable and each one has his own materials.

Those are betas as there is no custom sounds and there is just simple interior.

They are made of many .mesh files so can edit truck file using just ";". Use ";" if you don't wont/need spoilers, side skirts, bumper lip, as well you can change from globtroter xl cab roof to sleeper flat cab one (made nice subsections in props section to make it easier for you to locate right meshes) just add ";" before things you don't wont and make sure there is no ";" in front .mesh you wont in game. This way you can create truck that suits you. I recomend to duplicate and modifiy .truck file that comes with zip files, chenging truck name in first lane of truck file will help to find "your" truck in menu.

There is more then just cab roof you can change. You have 3 types of headlight to choose from, two types of grill meshes, two styles of emblem panel, side window "planks" you can replace with glass and can do with back window the same. All this options I create us factory options but have a plans to create aftermarket parts for them.

Other features:

Alternative skins to choose from (you welcome to create your ownones)

Self leveling air suspension. Driven axle always try to came back to driving level 6x2 version have "puscher axle" to support with heavier loads. For front axle you can choose hight yourself.

Cruise control ,l use 'space' bottom to acivate ctrl+R to increase crousing speed and ctrl+F to reduce. Cruise control is working even with low speeds and can be activated as well when reversing.

Enhenced more realisting fifth wheel/trailer coupling system fully compatibile with previous systems and there is Feldbinder Silo trailer to test this system.

Volvo FH4 500 4x2

Volvo FH4 500 6x2

Feldbinder 37m3 Silo Trailer

All above mods are for R.O.R. use only. No permition for use in any other game.
You allowed to do your own skins for it and realise.
You can add your meshes to truck.
Do not edit original .mesh files.
Do not create new versions (eg. rigid ones or 6x4). That's my job.
You can customize trucks as long as it stay in original configuration.

Above condition may change in future.

Thanks and credits:
Like to thank to all that support me and like to everone who ever clicked thank bottom under my posts in development screans and random screans threads and everybody for support and likes given on discort servers, thank us well for patiently ansering my nooby questions.
Special thanks and credits for
I study his them to have some understanding how to model and where materials and textures need to go.
His model as well like Lenni's, BadBoy's, Lifter's, and many others make me wont make my own.
For sharing his knowlage about materials, because of his support my models have so nice looking lights.
For his tutortials. They helped me understund blender.
All the rest R.O.R. comunity for being awsome.



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Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

That looks amazing, and I just love European trucks, especially the Volvos. Thank You for your contribution to this often neglected game. Thank you.

Edit: Can you CTRL+DEL them? or does it crash the game?
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

That looks amazing, and I just love European trucks, especially the Volvos. Thank You for your contribution to this often neglected game. Thank you.

Edit: Can you CTRL+DEL them? or does it crash the game?

idk, download it, install it, and try it for yourself?
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

I love mods, even more, when BOTH the trailer and the trucks can be BOTH deleted and flown using backspace. Amazing work!

In the thumbnail, however, what are the other trailers in view?
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

Shmitz Cargobull tipper by Neg_ice
JZD box van and JZD tanker by JoNii
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

Love and Like Mack Truck and Volvo Truck :o
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Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

Beautiful work, loved watching this truck progress over time
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

moved files to repository

Who ever used those is more then welcome to left any feedback here.
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Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

First of all: I really, really like the quality delivered with this one. It takes the whole thing to a new level. (Although I won't leave this one untouched for sure)

One thing I've noticed though is, that whenever I leave the truck connected to one of my trailer, it will fall off after like five seconds. If I get back in, it will sit back on it, connected, just as find as it did before.
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

Its not the mod its RoR

Ingame before you do anything sometimes you have to the menu and click the all activated vehicles never sleep.

Happens at random
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer

Thanks alot! I'll take back what I said then. (I've barely ever used 0.4. version, sorry)
Re: Volvo Fh4 500 4x2 and 6x2 tractor units and Feldbinder Silo trailer



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