Blender Exporter Isn't Exporting Properly

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Here I am, done with a model in Blender. Everything looks fine, no problems with it, it's good to go. I go to the Rigs of Rods Documentation and read the section "Blender mesh editing". I follow all the instructions given in the subsection "Exporting" to export the model. Everything exports fine! ...Except it'll export each submesh into it's own mesh.xml, not all in one mesh.xml, if you know what I mean. I tried unchecking "Separate Materials" because that's what I thought was doing it, but no, it still does it. Is there any way to get all the submeshes into one mesh.xml and not many? Any help would be appreciated.
You have to join the objects to export just one xml. If multiple objects are selected, then a xml for each object will be exported.
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