Released Hot air balloon

Neat will get it when stable build comes out
Also congratulations on first public mod (unless I missed something)
What do you plan on doing next?
I started doing something i call... explosions_lib. Yup, explosion in RoR.
By the way, the mod is released under very permissive licenses, you can do basically everything you want with it as long as you give credits. To be exact, code is under MIT license, media is under CC-BY. So, if you want to mod/use parts of this, feel free to do so.


uh might be a stupid question but what is PR ?
It's when someone has a fork (a modified copy) of something and wants to add it's features to the main repository. In this case, the fork is ohlidalp's angelscript freeforces branch, and the main repo is Rigs of Rods main source code.
Dev builds are standalone, so you can have 2 versions of RoR on the same PC.
I have both the dev build and the stable build on my laptop.
fact is if you launch the dev build (if you have opened the normal version recently) mods take longer to load
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Now, since this can now work on main dev builds, i might try to fix some problems, and then hopefully get to repo. Any requests? Did you find a bug? If so, post here or create an issue on the mod's github repo (if you don't have a forum account). Let's get this to repository!
EDIT: I kinda lost interest on working on this mod, but if someone wants to, this mod is open source so feel free to modify it yourself and open a PR.
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