Logitech F310 map for Linux Mint

Hi, I've been wondering if there is any .map files for the Logitech F310 for Linux. I tried using a .map file from here --> https://forum.rigsofrods.org/resources/logitech-gamepad-f310-input-map.692/, But it didn't seem to work, I've tried the same file on windows and it worked fine. So does any one have a F310 .map file for Linux Mint
Hi, I don't know in what way input maps are different on linux, but..

Plug in your controller, open RoR, close RoR, and then have a look at your RoR.log file (from logs folder, this will be in the same folder your mods folder is)

If RoR doesn't detect your controller - someone else will have to help, I don't know how to troubleshoot that on linux.

If RoR detects your controller, see what is the filename (VendorMapFilename) of the input map it tries to load for it. If it's different, rename your input map to match.

This below is a part of my log, with a Logitech Rumblepad 2 - you can see RoR detects my controller, and tells me the filename of the input map it's looking for - and that it fails to load (I renamed the file so it wouldn't find it):

15:22:26: *** Loading OIS ***
15:22:26: *** Initializing OIS ***
15:22:26: OIS Version: 1.4.0
15:22:26: + Release Name: 1.4.0
15:22:26: + Manager: Win32InputManager
15:22:26: + Total Keyboards: 1
15:22:26: + Total Mice: 1
15:22:26: + Total JoySticks: 1
15:22:26: * Device: Keyboard Vendor: Win32InputManager
15:22:26: * Device: Mouse Vendor: Win32InputManager
15:22:26: * Device: JoyStick Vendor: Logitech RumblePad 2 USB
15:22:26: Creating Joystick 1 (Logitech RumblePad 2 USB)
15:22:26: * Axes: 4
15:22:26: * Sliders: 0
15:22:26: * POV/HATs: 1
15:22:26: * Buttons: 12
15:22:26: * Vector3: 0
15:22:26: * Loading input mapping input.map
15:22:26: unknown event (ignored): COMMON_TOGGLE_RENDER_MODE
15:22:26: unknown event (ignored): COMMON_TOGGLE_TRUCK_LIGHTS
15:22:26: Error while processing input config: Unknown Event: COMMON_TOGGLE_TRUCK_LIGHTS
15:22:26: * Input map successfully loaded: 251 entries
15:22:26: * Loading input mapping Logitech_RumblePad_2_USB.map
15:22:26: Ogre::FileNotFoundException::FileNotFoundException: Cannot locate resource Logitech_RumblePad_2_USB.map in resource group Config. in ResourceGroupManager:: openResource at C:\Users\runneradmin\.conan2\p\b\ogre3fe0bfe7b8a715\b\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 706)
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Unfortunately button layouts are different under Linux vs Windows. The game includes an Xbox input map for Linux named Xbox_360_Wireless_Receiver.linux.map, I recommend renaming this file and editing it to work with your controller.