.mesh file Importer for Blender


C i v i c
This is for the newest version of Blender i have (2.91.2) and i am currently trying to model a custom modified 2JZ engine into the Gavril MV4 to go with the 2JZ sound pack. Is there any way i can import the MV4 body into Blender to edit the body's .mesh file.

I've already googled a .mesh importer for Blender plugin, and i'm not sure if the released .mesh exporter comes with a importer as well. My blender also has no built in .mesh importer, as i've checked anyways, and any .mesh importer i've found doesn't seem correct (apparently there's more then one kind of .mesh file for some reason)
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!
Quick question... I'm intrested and trying to mod things, what do I do with this plugin after it gets installed?