Hello everyone!
Approximately two months of total lock down and a lot of web development learning, experience and rigs of rods nostalgia, I decided to make a new project, both for learning purposes for me and for RoR.
I present you: nodeSnap.
Most the 777-300ER was actually done here
A few people including me don't like blender at all, and rorEditozer is unusable after a lot of updates to the game.
Plus, blender is not easy to learn so that may scare a lot of new comers to make content for the game.
This project is based on rorEditozer.
Currently working on:
Todo features:
My goal with this is to make truck files easier to work on, plus integrate a mesh placer, submesh maker...
In short note, reduce time spent on notepad or playing around with blender.
This is made using Electron, VueJS, Bootstrap , three.js and typescript (obviously Node.js).
This project is opensource and published on github.
Please use github for feature requests, etc..
Approximately two months of total lock down and a lot of web development learning, experience and rigs of rods nostalgia, I decided to make a new project, both for learning purposes for me and for RoR.
I present you: nodeSnap.
Most the 777-300ER was actually done here
A few people including me don't like blender at all, and rorEditozer is unusable after a lot of updates to the game.
Plus, blender is not easy to learn so that may scare a lot of new comers to make content for the game.
This project is based on rorEditozer.
- Parse truck file
- Basic edit functions (new node, remove node, new group, remove group, rename group, add beam, remove beam)
- Snap to grid nodes
- N/b transform functions (scale/rotate/translate)
- Render nodes id/names
- View resizing
- Super fast performance while editing complex n/bs
- Duplicating functions (Flip mirroring
and non-flip mirroringon selected axis, works only on groups) - Import blueprints and move/scale/rotate
- Import mesh wire frame as reference for working on N/B and move/scale/rotate
- Basic file sections editing like title/globals
- Saved project preferences (Blueprint's positions, grid size, etc)
- Backups system
- Project watcher system: Edit your project on notepad and the editor will reload automatically
Currently working on:
- Normal wheels section + preview
- Nodes and beams parser with set_beam and set_nodes (~90%)
- Undo/Redo system (~60%)
- Truck file formatting on save
Todo features:
- Mesh placement
- parse nodes2
- transform nodes in groups
- Basic truck file sections like camera/cinecam/all engine types
- Meshwheels sections + mesh preview, not wire frame
- Submesh maker
- Plugin system (useful for making tracked vehicles, self made wheels, etc etc)
- Timed backups
- bug fixing
My goal with this is to make truck files easier to work on, plus integrate a mesh placer, submesh maker...
In short note, reduce time spent on notepad or playing around with blender.
Double click on view resizer => reset view resizer
Right click + mouse move => move camera around
Left click + mouse move (Only on perspective view aka 3D view) => rotate on axis
Mouse wheel => Zoom
CTRL + N => truck mode
CTRL + B => blueprint mode
Truck Mode
Mouse double left click => new node
Mouse double left click + CTRL => new node snapped on grid
Mouse click on a node + drag => Move node around
Mouse click on a node + drag + CTRL => Move node around with grid snapping to the preset value
CTRL + SHIFT + click node1 + click node2 => Creates a beam + shows a temporary blue line before you click on the second node
Blueprint Mode
Mouse + gizmo:
"S" => Scale
"R" => Rotate
"T" => translate
Double click on view resizer => reset view resizer
Right click + mouse move => move camera around
Left click + mouse move (Only on perspective view aka 3D view) => rotate on axis
Mouse wheel => Zoom
CTRL + N => truck mode
CTRL + B => blueprint mode
Truck Mode
Mouse double left click => new node
Mouse double left click + CTRL => new node snapped on grid
Mouse click on a node + drag => Move node around
Mouse click on a node + drag + CTRL => Move node around with grid snapping to the preset value
CTRL + SHIFT + click node1 + click node2 => Creates a beam + shows a temporary blue line before you click on the second node
Blueprint Mode
Mouse + gizmo:
"S" => Scale
"R" => Rotate
"T" => translate
This is made using Electron, VueJS, Bootstrap , three.js and typescript (obviously Node.js).
This project is opensource and published on github.
Please use github for feature requests, etc..
Rigs of rods truck file editor. Contribute to Max98/project_nodeSnap development by creating an account on GitHub.
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