[Test build] Version 0.4.8 RC5

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Well-known member
Retired Staff
Dec 22, 2018

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 5th (and hopefully last) round of the 0.4.8 release candidates!
This RC is focused on fixing some major issues introduced in RC4

Changes since RC4:
  • 🐛 Fixed vehicles appearing deformed/"exploded" in multiplayer
  • 🐛 Fixed a crash on race finish
  • 🐛 Eliminated most mesh+material name conflicts between mods
  • 🐛 Fixed missing gear indicator on some vehicle dashboards
  • 🐛 Fixed a crash with invalid materials with empty names
  • ✨ Resurrected the direction arrow and lap timer:
  • 🔧 Updated to Ogre 1.11.6
  • 🔧 Included more input maps by default
  • 🔧 Skins are now included in the mod cache
  • 🐛 Loads of other improvements
For more changes see the other RC threads

  • Windows
    Simply download & run the installer from our homepage: https://www.rigsofrods.org/
    If you previously installed RC4 through the installer, please uninstall it first before installing RC5 to prevent conflicts! (Your mods will not be affected)
    Alternatively, you can also install the game through Itch.io by following the instructions below (Note that the Itch version is only for 64-bit systems)

  • Linux
    Linux users can also install the game through Itch.io by following the below instructions
    Alternatively, you can compile RoR by following this page (advanced users only)

Installing with the itch.io desktop app:

With the desktop app, the latest build will be automatically downloaded and installed
Also, only the changed files will be downloaded instead of the complete game.
If you already have installed previous RCs though Itch it will automatically update to RC5, no need to (re)install RoR

  1. Download and install the itch.io desktop app: itch - Download and play indie games - itch.io
  2. Login into the itch.io app.
  3. Restart your PC after you have successfully logged in
  4. Click this link to install RoR
  5. When you launch the game for the first time, it will first install some dependencies
If you have any issues you may reply to this thread or join our Discord server and ask your question in the #support channel.

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Does this fix not all the controls moving into 4.8? That issue really annoys me, because the wasd keys work, but left arrow broke, so I cant use them, W key uses the differential change so 4.8 doesnt work for me, but 4.7 works fine but is somewhat unstable now :C
Does this fix not all the controls moving into 4.8? That issue really annoys me, because the wasd keys work, but left arrow broke, so I cant use them, W key uses the differential change so 4.8 doesnt work for me, but 4.7 works fine but is somewhat unstable now :C
Try deleting input.map from Documents\Rigs of Rods 0.4\config and let RoR generate a new one.
so far i have one issue:
- I usually play fullscreen in multiplayer, and most of the GUI boxes are stretched out (the player list, the vehicle selection, etc.) but all the hitboxes for the GUI are normal

edit - this happens on single player too btw
so far i have one issue:
- I usually play fullscreen in multiplayer, and most of the GUI boxes are stretched out (the player list, the vehicle selection, etc.) but all the hitboxes for the GUI are normal
Go to Settings -> Render System and set the video mode to your monitor's native resolution.
I can't get races to work at all. I'm using RC5 on Kubuntu 18.04. I've tested with several maps, and the little race box in the corner never shows up.
Please upload your RoR.log and Angelscript.log (Located at ~/.rigsofrods/logs)
Here's the log, I opened RoR, loaded Bajarama, and drove well past the start line. I don't see any race related errors in the log, but I might be missing something obvious.


  • RoR.log
    127.7 KB · Views: 630
Here's the log, I opened RoR, loaded Bajarama, and drove well past the start line. I don't see any race related errors in the log, but I might be missing something obvious.
Do you have a Angelscript.log inside the logs folder? If so, can you please upload it?
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