What's your favorite thing about RoR.

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The thing that always drew me to RoR was the sandbox aspect, and the fact that I had the ability to create projects that I wanted to see in-game.
The thing that drew me to RoR was a Google search for the "most realistic vehicle physics/damage simulator" and google nailed it on the head with the Old Old Old RoR forums. :D
Sandbox, build what you want, mod everything to your liking, do whatever whenever wherever whyever you want. The slew of content helps as well, though most people rarely use mods other sk00l buSsez and Gabester's vehicles.
The N/B I made, the other two have been modded extensively by me, and I love that I can do it without even needing special programs and code languages.
Oh and, lemme just throw this one in here because it's what makes RoR cool. You can do stuff other games won't let you.
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For one, the website seems to vanish about once a year, but against all odds, RoR just won't die.

No, the real reason is more sappy:
As with any sandbox game, once I'd reached the extents of my imagination, it got old. The community kept me engaged from then on.
All that anti-social time spent on the computer learning about the software, how to mod, how vehicles work, how to build a PC, how to setup and run a server, and much more pulled me away from more degenerate time-wasting activities and toward focusing on my own interests.

Almost 8 years later, I hold a B.S. in Information Systems from the University of Maryland, a Technician Class amateur radio license, I'm about to sit for the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician exam, and I absolutely love working on and driving real vehicles. And I don't care what anyone thinks about my interests.

tl;dr I can't imagine ever cultivating my childhood interests into adult successes without Rigs of Rods. That's what I love about it.
(And not to mention I still talk to my "online friends" from this game on a regular basis).
No, the real reason is more sappy:

Very well said. Although now a dying flame compared to the inferno it once was, RoR catered to everyone's individual interests. The original forum was full of entertainment from ricer vs. muscle, "working" for fake companies, the buy/sell car threads, etc. Off-topic section was the brutal Valhalla for trash posting comparable to /b/. There was a section for everyone to enjoy, and no matter your personality, you'd make a few friends along the way.

Rigs of Rods is the schizophrenic girlfriend whom you understand the negatives, but believe things will be different this time. I fully understand why the car enthusiast community has moved on to other ventures. There are better alternatives. I believe the largest issue with RoR is that it tried to be too many things at once. It was satisfactory driving game, a disappointing boating game, and an anxiety-inducing physics engine. It couldn't decide what it was. BeamNG has fallen victim to the same formula. The most successful games find one specific category and excel. Most would rather open up Assetto Corsa for racing, then hop out and play Spin Tires for a trail ride.

Now here us few remain to reminisce about the glory of what RoR once was. I haven't opened the game for over a year. Although now we're at different points in our lives where you're more worried about college, work, family, etc rather than video games being a top teenage priority. Back in 2012 I decided to model a Willys Jeep for another user who couldn't model to save his life. For some reason I fell in love with the design, and the capabilities. The massive multiplayer Deuce trail rides urged my desire to own such a beast. Because of this game I have owned 40 Willys Jeeps and a Deuce with a 50 cal on top. I regularly use my developed modeling skills to design modified vehicles before building them in the shop.

The forum has been killed and revived far too many times; the community will simply never thrive again. And that's alright. This game has served its purpose, and the next generation of gamers will find their own forums. I only wish that through multiple platforms, their interests can be shaped as diverse as Rigs of Rods provided.
Before i congregated to CancerNG.DRIVE, i played an early version of this game back in 2013, none of the vehicles deformed realistically, but it ran great, the cars were great fun, and it really interested me in N/B stuff.

Years later, the Beam forums have turned into a hellhole and the couple people who survived told me to get back onto RoR, i played a bit with a beta of Derbymutt's Tracer and supercar thing, and kinda left it alone.

I come back after the Beam forums finally made me have a heart attack, and i love this game so much.
I love the creation aspect of RoR. I love the experimentation that used to take place all the times on these forums... all the machines that were created before we even had any of the complicated functions like triggers and animated hydros. I used to build all sorts of zainy weird stuff just because I wanted to see if it was possible. You know... like Lifters light truck challenge thread that was up here before the forums recently died... I participated... I didn't win (YET) but it was fun getting back into pushing this games boundaries again. I always loved creating contraptions in this game and, honestly, that is one reason I will never give this game up. In beam everything is done with code... in RoR, everything is done with ingenuity. The love of creating machines in this game is what helped drive me to getting a degree in mechanical engineering... so that's one reason I will always come back. I have been around this game since late 2005 to early 2006 and I don't plan on leaving it any time soon.
I agree, even through the forums have died and been put back up again and they are never going to be as popular as they were, thats okay. Because with all the nice people here it doesn't matter how many people the forums have. As long as we still have these creative people still here, It's fine with me :)
I like that people can create and share their crazy inventions.
I like the realistic physics of impacts (fantastic).

Bajarama, the deformation, and this wonderful community

I can run 3-minute laps with the character, but cant start one with the AMC.
Re: Bajarama, the deformation, and this wonderful community

I can run 3-minute laps with the character, but cant start one with the AMC.

This AMC you're talking about is the 1973 AMC Pacer, which is a stolen mod, and is not allowed to be shown here, or talked about.
Re: Bajarama, the deformation, and this wonderful community

What I love about RoR is, well, everything. The people, the vehicles, the maps, and a lot more. I found RoR by looking up the best school bus simulator (yes, I like buses, and I'm NOT afraid to say it). Like Disloyalpick, Google was very accurate with results. I loved how I was able to open the service door and the stop signs, with realistic gauges and sounds, and how graysonk95 did an excellent job making his mods realistic and fun. Although I was a noob at everything in RoR (yes, literally everything, lol), I've gotten a lot better, and now I'm able to mod stuff and maps (currently learning how to host servers). Now, since my experience with RoR grew a lot, I enjoy being in the RoR community. I enjoyed getting help from people like Austin, Michael10055, AnotherFoxGuy, DarthCain, and so on. I was able to play to the best of my abilities and jump ramps and stuff with gabester's vehicles, and have fun.

Just know one thing, I will NEVER regret playing RoR and being in the community. EVER. Thanks guys, for making this experience so fun for me and others out there.

...which reminds me, I forgot to upload my latest version of my map!!!
I like Ror Because there's Thousand Of mods That You can Download (Well some mods are undownloadable) and you can crash cars and ITS Free.
Wow, vb again? Deja vu...

Pretty much everything that can be said has been said, but if I might, I'll tack on a few things...

I haven't opened this game in years. It lost its allure a long time ago. It's dated, seems mostly abandoned, content creation has basically stopped, and it has very few edges over the other games that now crowd the segment. But this community will always have a special place in my heart. From the monumental clusterfuck it was when I joined, to the monumental clusterfuck it was when I left, it always had a special place for everyone -- and even though not everyone always got along, there always seemed to be a kind of symbiosis between its many component parts, and the community those subsections amalgamated is what made it so great. But maybe I'm just being nostalgic

I don't know how to express what this place once was without digressing into a long discussion about stuff nobody wants to hear, or read, or that I particularly want to write. But everyone who was a part of this community back in 2010-2014 knows what I'm talking about. Anybody here remember SMF? Those were the days. We were an active, creative, and loyal group, and the fact that it just won't die certainly testifies to that.

While I don't have much to show for it, I can certainly ditto everything that's already been said about how this game influenced me. I'm a huge car fanatic, work in IT, and still keep in touch with some members from the old forums. A lot of factors have influenced those, but I'd be lying if I said this game wasn't a part of it.

I doubt this domain is long for this world, but so long as it still exists, I'd like those who run across this place in the future to just take a look around the archives. See what a great place this once was. And even if you it isn't really your thing... try out the game. You'll like it, even if it's just once. I promise.
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