- Authors
- PrT Audiman, Silvermanblue, AndrewB, LFJHutch, Brickman, Buttlamo, XXLongHaulerXX, Klink (0.4+ conversion)
Important: This terrain features fog to ensure the best possible performance, please set the sky type to Caelum in settings!
- 5 VERSIONS Normal, Fps, Rain, Rain FPS and Lots Of Vegetation
- 1 small village
- 1 town
- 1 city
- 1 farm complete with hay bails farmhouse fields etc
- lots of detailed vegetation
- lots of hills
- 5 lakes, 1 really big one or the main lake
- 1 highway
- 1 rock crawling test grounds
- load spawners
- Complete Airport
- 3 very long tunnels
- SanFransisco type city
- 8km Long Trail
- Special Buildings Never seen before including a Drive through Restaurant
- 2CFG Files for added realism to the Rain versions
- and much more!
- Silvermanblue - for giving the use of his brilliant buildings And the Specially made tunnel
- AndrewB - for doing the rain versions
- LFJHutch - for the use of his Rocks for the crawling grounds
- Brickman - for the use of some buildings from the Rocktown Map and Brickburger
- Buttlamo - For the terraced houses)
- XXLongHaulerXX - For the Service Repair shop
- Beta testers - Adam Wright, Brickman, Taker02, Towpro, Miura, Silvermanblue, Zanjani13, xxLongHaulerxx
- PrT Audiman - For Giving you and placement of all objects and creating the map itself